
Fischli and Weiss @ Guggenheim NY

The duo of Swiss artists use everyday objects and situations to show us that there is much more behind what we are used to see and comprehend. They play with life’s major and minor questions that are ever-present and never answered.  Peter Fischli and David Weiss keep provoking even after...

Kandinsky – CCBB RJ – até 30.03.2015

“Kandinsky – tudo começa num ponto” traz pela primeira vez à America Latina uma exposição das obras deste grande ícone da arte abstrata de uma forma holística. Não é uma exposição retrospectiva, cronológica, mas narrativa. Composta por obras do acervo do Museu Estatal Russo de São Petesburgo, além de obras...


Leve como um grão de areia que se move sem fronteiras, se torna forte na união com outros grãos e que juntos movem montanhas. Os artistas do Atemporal são artistas libertários, buscam caminhos alternativos para fazer uma arte livre. Sua força está na colaboração. Uma atitude mais humana, que...

Marcius Galan Interview

It was with great pleasure that I interviewed Marcius Galan, a Brazilian artist that left me overwhelmed by the array of works he presented at White Cube Bermondsey. The exhibition Geometric Progressions will be on until September 29. Enigmatic, enlightened, the words I choose to describe are somewhat on the...

Hans Ulrich Obrist

I would like to ask you, as curator and author of many books on art, how do you see the borders between curator and critic? Do they still have a voice to determine, for example exhibitions like this year’s Venice Biennale was a really narrative exhibition, or has it all...

ART HAPPENS – Thiago Rocha Pitta

Along the way there was a rock There was a rock along the way (Translation of a poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, from Minas Gerais, Brazil) Art can happen anywhere, anytime. Like cave paintings that emerged on a specific time and place, without any practical explanation other than the need to understand...


What is space? What is time? Who makes the grass green? Where does reality happen? Is dream a reality? Is reality a dream? Why do I perceive things this way? Is the colour red for me the same as for you? There are so many answers that it is hard...